
South Africa’s craft beer scene has been on the rise for a while now and people are starting to look for beers with real substance and flavour. Gone are the days where consumers were content on throwing back a few watery Lagers and considering themselves satisfied?

It was this same realisation that our Founder and Head Brewer Duncan Clarke had back in 2009 on his return from Oregon after a winemaking stint there.

During his stay in Oregon he was exposed to craft beer after craft beer every evening after work there was something new to try, thanks to the local winemaker who always made sure that the beer fridge was fully stocked.

It was those beers back in the September of 2008 that really opened his eyes to the world of craft beer.

Once back on South African soil he started to search to see what he could come across. There wasn’t much available…

As a Winemaker by trade he started to research the brewing process and started out by making a kit beer… it was ok but not up to spec, this was when the full all grain brewing brainstorm machine started.

Cape Town Festival of beer 2011 came around and it was this festival that really got the ball rolling. When tasting the Devils Peak beers for the first time and realising that they are doing this locally, I can too!

Ingredients were sourced, which was a lot harder then than it is now, and on the 2nd February 2012 with help from my Brother and a few friends we made our first batch of IPA, using a cooler box as a mash tun and an old 50 L Keg as a boiler. Bottled in MCC bottles and ran through a 2nd Fermentation for Carbonation.

It turned out pretty good and we have been tinkering with Ales ever since on a personal consumption basis.

The time has arrived to spread our wings so that more people can Choose Life, Craft Beers and join the AWOL Squadron.